
Popular messaging platform ICQ turned 20 years old today, that is a crazy amount of time for an application to remain in existence and definitely worthy of praise.  I remember the good old days of using it to chat after school when I was in middle school. It’s simplicity and functionality were great for its time. To be completely honest I had completely forgotten about it until just I stumbled on this medium post referencing its 20th, as in today’s world it just doesn’t have much use to me with so many superior, and integrated options available to us. At one time ICQ was widely popular, boasting over 100 Million users and finally getting bought up by AOL for 100s of millions of dollars. ICQ is still in development under the direction of its current owner Mail.ru, and still used by millions of users. Pretty crazy what a project from a couple of Israeli high schoolers turned into. Just thought this was worth mentioning.